Writer=Stephen King;
Rating=7,9 / 10;
Summary=Still tormented by the past's uncomfortable memories, decades after surviving the harsh winter at the Overlook Hotel in The Shining (1980), it's only natural that a now-sad Dan Torrance has grown up into an alcoholic and a drifter. However, after managing for years to suppress his rare gift, Dan decides to put "The Shining" to good use as the local hospice's benevolent "Doctor Sleep"; and before he knows it, he makes contact with Abra Stone: a young girl with far more superior shining abilities. But, their strong telepathic bond attracts the attention of the semi-eternal psychic vampire, Rose the Hat, and her marauding gang of followers known as "The True Knot", who prey on the innocent, and feed off the effervescent essence of pain. Now, once more, the restless and famished spirits of Colorado's snow-capped purgatory in the mountains invite Dan over for one last winter. Does Danny dare to return to Room 237?;
audience score=99496 vote
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